Britannia |
G* |
Sextant** |
Lost Lands |
G* |
Sextant** |
of Dungeon Wrong |
U |
135░36'N 47░31'E |
North-West Ice area via
Ice Dungeon |
U |
69░26'N 51░11'W |
Yew Prison |
G |
73░12'N 71░22'W |
The Lighthouse at the
North end of the Desert |
G |
67░19'N 54░51'W |
Serpent's Hold, West Docks |
G |
156░42'S 112░30'E |
Desert area via Fire
Dungeon |
17░55'N 12░26'W |
Marble Building on island
South of Britain, North of Trinsic |
G |
38░50'S 46░45'E |
Cave West of Terathan Keep,
North of Orc Fort |
G |
2░43'S 56░48'W |
Moonglow Mage Shop1,
on the Northern tip of the island |
G |
67░56'N 133░28'W |
Papua Mage Shop1 |
G |
7░22'S 14░13'W |
Britain Sewers |
G |
1░29'S 11░48'E |
Swamp area East of Papua |
U |
19░25'S 9░54'E |
Vesper Cemetary |
U |
65░44'N 101░27'E |
Cemetary South of Papua,
North-East of Delucia |
U |
48░4'S 16░48'W |
Cave North of Minoc
(exterior view) |
G |
123░18'N 76░4'E |
Far East of Delucia,
South-East of Papua |
G |
49░34'S 10░37'E |
Southwest of Trinsic |
U |
149░9'S 21░26'E |
Delucia via Newbie
Dungeon |
G |
83░35'S 55░11'W |
behind City of the Dead
via Newbie Dungeon |
U |
48░36'S 56░2'W |
Temple Isle South of Trinsic |
G |
171░33'S 82░24'E |
Temple in the South,
East of Delucia |
G |
84░6'S 2░6'W |
Serpent Pillars2 in the
Sea, east of Trinsic and
west of Jhelom |
111░37'S 116░26'E 145░22'S,
63░46'W |
Serpent Pillars2
in the Sea. East of Ophidian Lair and West of the Desert. |
U |
36░7'N 2░15'E .░.'N .░..'W |